Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s recently released super hit movie ‘Govindhudu Andarivaadele’ under the direction of Krishna Vamshi has collected Rs.31.10 Crores at the end of five days run through out the world. According to trade expert the movie has to collect around Rs.36. crores by the week end. Actress Kajal Agarwal has played lead role in the movie and actors Prakash Raj, Srikanth, Jayasudha and Kamalini Mukherjee has also played lead role in the movie and film is produced by Bandla Ganesh under the banner Sri Parameshwara Arts productions and music is composed by Yuvan Shanker Raja.
Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s recently released super hit movie ‘Govindhudu Andarivaadele’ under the direction of Krishna Vamshi has collected Rs.31.10 Crores at the end of five days run through out the world. According to trade expert the movie has to collect around Rs.36. crores by the week end. Actress Kajal Agarwal has played lead role in the movie and actors Prakash Raj, Srikanth, Jayasudha and Kamalini Mukherjee has also played lead role in the movie and film is produced by Bandla Ganesh under the banner Sri Parameshwara Arts productions and music is composed by Yuvan Shanker Raja.
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